Acceptable Use and Privacy Policy maintains a generally permissive policy on content. However, service administrators retain the right to prohibit any use which, in their judgment, is disruptive or creates an hostile environment for our users. has limited resources with which to provide our free services. Please use reasonable courtesy in your consumption of resources like processor time and storage. Service administrators may contact you and ask you to reduce your use. In extreme cases, immediate action may be taken. extends an unusual degree of latitude to our users. With this power comes responsibility. Please use reasonable caution to minimize security vulnerabilities. For example, do not use software with web interfaces unless you can protect them with authentication.

  • Activity that is illegal in the state of New Mexico or the United States is strictly prohibited, and will result in an immediate ban and deletion of data.
  • Use that can be reasonably expected to disrupt the availability or reliability of services for other users is prohibited. When in doubt, please contact
  • Use that can be reasonably expected to result in IP reputation impacts or blocks is prohibited. For example, broad port scanning is prohibited use.
  • Although not prohibited, users are asked to be cautious with uses that tend to attract DDoS or other “negative attention.” For example, please do not operate an IRC or Minecraft server without discussing your plans with administrators.

Please email with any abuse reports or other concerns. does not sell or otherwise share user data with any third parties. generally avoids the use of third-party services or data collection.

You have the right to have your personal data removed from services. In many cases you can do so by self-service, depending on the specific service involved. If there isn't a self-service method or you can't figure it out, please feel free to contact to request that your data be removed.